Thursday, December 23, 2010

A dysfunctional family Christmas

I used to like to think Christmas was my favorite holiday. I wear my obnoxious Christmas earrings and listen to nothing but Christmas music (seriously I think I have heard Wham and Andy Williams' voice so much it's going to haunt me for the rest of my life). I have gone out of my way to say 'Merry Christmas' to customers at work even though we aren't supposed to, just because it's Christmas. The decorations around our house are beautiful and the peppermint cookies on our table are delicious- especially when half asleep at 2am with milk straight out of the carton. But this year is different. As much as I have tried to get in a legit Christmas-y mood and acted all 'jolly', I really just want to sleep through this weekend. I've come to realize that Christmas has basically sucked a lot in the past years because of so much family drama. Why did I ever think sitting in a room full of people who act less like family than Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades was fun? All the gossip all the ignorant comments all the looks...what the heck? Isn't Christmas supposed to be a joyous season? Psh.

The closest people to me are my mom, my dad, Brian, and Alyssa. Outside of that, the closest family member to me is my Meemaw. I don't get to see her for Christmas for the 2nd year in a row because people can't settle their differences and accept each other for who they are. There has been a lot of hurt but it hasn't been one sided. I miss her a lot...and it kills me that because of all the drama, she won't come back. In my opinion to you all, get over yourselves and realize that you are family.

We aren't even going to the Glenn family Christmas this year. Just like we didn't go to Thanksgiving. And I really couldn't care less. The amount of pain that has gone on between everyone is horrible. I've said it before and I will say it Glenn is completely blameless right now. Even if you haven't directly said something to someone or publicly shared your opinion, I guarantee there have been nasty comments or nasty thoughts about someone. I noticed a real long time ago how dysfunctional this family is. And you all can pin it on one member of the family (you all know EXACLTY who I am talking about) but one day...whether that be tomorrow, next year, 10 years from now, or when you are kneeling at the feet of Christ being held accountable for your actions, you will see that you were just as wrong as anyone here. I don't really believe in Karma. I believe in His judgment. And if you can live through this Christmas season believing that He isn't shaking His head at the way you all are treating each other, please, tell me what you're on and have a Merry Christmas. It must be nice living in that world of yours.


Someday you will regret the way you treated your brother, the way you treated your cousin, the way you treated your niece, just the way you all treat each other. I only wish everyone could just accept each other for who they are and live with it.

Ok so there it is. There really is a lot more. If I could personally write a letter to each of you...I would. And it would be long. Just saying.

So have a Merry Christmas.

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