Thursday, February 3, 2011

Here it goes again...

Vent time. Again. I don't know what's been wrong with me the last couple days but I have been in a horrible mood. Everything and everyone makes me upset. I mean, I have legit reasons, but it hasn't been till the last couple days that they have really gotten to me. Which is stupid because my life really isn't bad at all. In fact, things are finally going really well. With a lot of things. But all this stupid crap with people and things that really don't matter is bringing me down hard core. And the WORST part is that I can't even say the stuff I wanna say right now because I know I would get myself in trouble. Psh. But for would be so much easier if we could just say whatever we wanted whenever we wanted to whomever we wanted. Cuzz that's what I wanna do right now. And I can't. Maybe it's ok though because I think if I could it would make things really complicated and more difficult than they already are. A hug is much needed right now, but it's become quite obvious that's not going to happen. Because things don't happen on my time. &%#@. I just want someone to hug me and listen. Who won't judge and who doesn't have anything to do with anything going on.

1 comment:

  1. Boy oh! boy do I ever hear you..................I can relate to many things you say and feel. One thing that is very awesome and you should try it if you want is to write a letter to the people or person who is ticking you off and then you can vent that way, but it's for yourself not to give it to the person or persons. It works you vent and the problem which seemed so big now is not so big and nobody get hurt. I had to do this with someone who used to be my friend and for no reason ditched me and my hubby I know they judged us and it has been upsetting to me for about 2 years and couldn't seem to get past it, since writing my letter feel better and then I burned it. Sorry you having such a hard time. I appreciate so much how you blog your inner most thoughts that that's courage and makes you vulnerable but in a good way. I pray shows you a better way to communicate although I'm still learning that I'm very impulsive and my mouth gets me trouble lots but learning how to express myself in healthier ways. Sending a big hug from Canada. Keep up your good work. You rock Katie :-)
