Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bipolar much?

I feel so bipolar. O wait, I am. But really one minute I'm so happy and the next I feel like crap. Right now, I feel like crap. So yeah, I've done everything I possibly can do numb my pain. I've got myself a new guy. I like him, and hey maybe this one will work, but I still am so uneasy about everything. I miss Jeremiah a lot. I talked to him last Tuesday. It went horrible. He gave me every excuse in the book why he couldn't be with me, and I about couldn't handle it. I eventually just told him to screw off cuzz i deserved better. I told him I would never miss him, that I would never cry for him. Boy was that a lie. Cuzz I'm experiencing both now. He said he didn't have time for me. Bull crap. He said I was too immature for him. Bull crap. He said he couldn't forgive me for the mistakes I've made. Bull crap. Which is true? I would have given anything for this guy and he did everything by laugh in my face.
I'm getting so sick of getting so attached to people. Cuzz eventually, they all leave. They all hurt you. And you know what? I'm ok with being hurt cuzz I know that's just part of any relationship. I've forgiven so many people for so many things-including Jeremiah-and it kills me when they just leave with no legit reason. Cuzz yeah, I screwed up some the first time me and Jeremiah broke up...but not enough that couldn't be forgiven. He chose not to forgive me. And what's ironic is that he always told me not to expect the same kindness from other people that I would give. And I thought he was the exception. He gave me every reason to believe he was the exception. Geez. At what point do I stop giving people the benefit of the doubt? At what point do I stop trusting so much? I don't know. But you know, I don't think I will be able to seriously trust another person again. I don't think I can handle getting hurt like this again. I fall so fast and get attatched so fast, and then when they leave Im left hurt. But like I said, I never saw it coming. I never see it coming. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. you can never stop trusting but you can choose who and when to trust. love is 65% friendship 20% work 10% desire 5% love. friendship goes farther than any other kind of connection, you can't be expected to find true love in three months or four, not to say it doesn't happen but it unlikely hope it helps.
