Monday, May 24, 2010

Im NOT ok with going to bed angry...or with someone else being angry at me. I dunno why it's just always bothered me. I also can't go to work and work well when I am upset or mad at someone. I think everyone I work with has seen me cry at least once. Why do I let my emotions control everything? I see people with way worse lives than mine come to work or wherever and act like they are fine. Why do I wear my heart on my sleeve? So many things that I wish were different about me. My biggest one is going to bed angry or upset tho. I can't sleep. So here I am...about to prolly stay up all night cuzz someone I care about is upset with me and I cant stand it. I want to talk about it...but thats not happening. Didnt Jesus say not to let the sun go down on your anger? So maybe I have an ok point here...anyway... So I am blogging. Which nobody will prolly read lol. But i really have not a lot to say so I am done now...

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