Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mk. So there is a lot on my mind tonight. And it's making my head hurt. First head literally does hurt haha. My mom is all freaked out that its a brain thing but my dad says its just stress. So we will see. plans for college are getting kinda crazy. Like I thought I knew what I wanted but thats not looking like its gonna happen. And THEN tonight work kinda went a little crazy and I spent like 4 hours mad at my manager, Sarah. See...theres a lot of drama goin on between me and a girl that used to work there. We are both to blame...and the drama died down for a while but it flared up again. So ya it kinda got to me tonight. And I got really mad. So I spent the evening angry and upset.

But then around 10 this woman drove thru and ordered a small soda. I would say she was about 65 or so. She kinda was hiding her face while she paid but I could tell she was crying. I asked if she was ok and she just kinda smiled a little and said "I will be ok. I know I will be ok". So I paid her out and as I was putting the lid on her drink she started crying a little harder and took her soda. Before she drove away I put my hand out and touched her hand on the wheel(she pulled really close to the window so this was easy)and said "Ma'am I dont know what is wrong but I just wanna tell you that it's gonna be alright and I am praying for you." She looked at me like WHOA. She wiped her eyes and smiled a little and said "I wasn't expecting that. Thank you so much, sweetheart. I know it will be ok. Just sometimes its hard to see it that way". Then she drove away.

Idk. After that I apologized to Sarah for being angry at her. I didnt want to be mad. I didnt want to feel sorry for myself. It just kinda touched me. She was the sweetest and cutest old woman I think I have ever seen and you could just tell that something was seriously wrong...and yet she was hopeful. So maybe I should be a little more hopeful and stop feeling sorry for myself. No matter how bad my headaches matter what happens with matter what...things can always be worse. Doesnt help to think about how bad things are and maybe just pray for the best.

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