Saturday, May 22, 2010


Life sucks sometimes. I know this as well as any other person. Why do bad things happen to good people? Sometimes life just plain doesnt seem fair. As I sit here and talk to a friend about the pain he is going through in his life...I wonder: what has he done to deserve such a difficult life? Hes a good person and a lover of Christ. Why is this happening to him? But then I think of Job. Job was a die hard follower of Christ despite the fact that he lost his entire family...his house...everything. All this happened and yet he still praised the Lord. Maybe we all need to be more like Job. Well..not maybe. We DO need to be more like him. Think about it like this: If our lives were all rainbows and butterflies then how would we learn to depend on the Lord? How would we learn to trust Him and lean on Him as much as we should? God allows tough things to happen to us so that we can use it to strengthen our relationship with Him. Idk. I feel like I am rambling right now but I am just hurting for this friend. I wish I could take the pain away from him but I cant. I cant even give him advice to help ease his suffering. Sheesh.

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