Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 4

Day 04 - Your views on religion.

This is a good question. But really knowing God isn't about a religion, it's about a relationship. Yeah, there are certain things that I believe that perhaps say I'm a Baptist, but there are also things I don't agree with, so I hate saying I'm a specific religion. I'm not going to say I think all Catholics, Lutherans, or Methodists are going to go to hell because they don't believe everything I believe, because as I said before, it isn't about a religion. It's about the relationship you have with Christ. As to my relationship with Him? It's been strained for quite a while. I love God with all I am, but I spend very little time with Him if any at all. Many times over the last several weeks I have come across the Bible verse that says you are either hot or cold and God spits out the lukewarm...and so I'm trying to NOT be lukewarm. It's a work in process. I have gotten so used to NOT praying, reading my Bible, and talking about God, that it's almost a foreign language at this point. But I'm working on it...pray for me :)

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