Saturday, January 22, 2011


I've liked this whole "Days" thing because it is making me write every day (or almost every day lol), but I haven't written a whole lot besides that. Psh. Life has been kinda crazy lately. Jeremiah got his new job working 60 hours a week 6 days a week and it's taking a LOT of adjusting for me. I went from seeing him almost every day for long periods of time, to 3 hours this past week all together. I don't even hardly talk to him cuzz he can't text at ALL with this job. Not going to lie, it's been really hard. Thursday I had a slight mental breakdown. All day I was stressed and didn't want things to change and yeah basically got myself all worked up over nothing. However, as much as I hate not seeing him much, it has made the time we have spent together even more special.
Even besides that though I have been real stressed. Work makes me crazy, my car is going to die any day now, school starts next month, I've been so stressed that it's made me fight with my fam, and I have to do my taxes soon and for some reason that stresses me out. Oh and I just found out that I'm an idiot and didn't get my car's title switched to my name and so that's going to be a big hassle to fix that. Blah.
On the plus side, I really am excited about college. That is as long as my parents don't make me move into a dorm. And, I've gotten to spend some time with one of my best friends, Ashley, so that's good. I've also been able to hang out with some other people more lately (Brittanie and Stephen) and that has been a great time to say the least. I also got my GED results back and I kinda rocked it. Oh...and I might be kinda excited about something I'm hoping is going to happen soon...but we will see :)
I think I'm just going to go to bed now. Tomorrow starts a new week and I'm hoping to goodness that it's going to be a better week than this past one. Guess it all depends on my attitude.

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