Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 6

Day 06 - Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.

1) I love pink
2) My boyfriend is Jeremiah and I love him a lot :)
3) Every time I go to bed, I get this image in my head from Sixth Sense where this girl reaches out from under the bed and grabs Hailey Joel Osment's I have to get a running start to jump on my bed...
4) I'm a pickier eater than most 5 year olds...
5) Cheesecake is my favorite dessert :)
6) OREO is my favorite kind of cheesecake
7) I desperately need a lap top
8) McDs is where I workkk
9) My dog Amigo is like my body guard lol. I don't even sleep well if he's not with me
10) I am in love with shopping...but it doesn't get along well with my McDonalds pay check.
11) Winter is my least favorite time of the year. I hate cold weather. I hate snow. With a passion.
12) I hate math. Like hard core. And I suck at it
13) Short texts annoy the crap out of me. "lol" "ok" "ya" don't work with me
14) My favorite number is 24
15) I wish my extended family got along better and weren't so...mmhmm
16) Our basement scares me. And I sleep in the basement.
17) As much as I seem to piss people off, I really hold back a lot. Psh. I speak my mind very little...
18) I watch Disney Channel. So what?
19) I danced for over 10 years, and one of my biggest regrets is quitting
20) I get really emotional when I watch dancing. Mainly just ballet. Not like sad or whatever I just get really into it and really feel the movements and music
21) I'm a flirt. I don't mean to be at all but it's gotten me into a LOT of trouble. I'm just really friendly and outgoing lol
22) My favorite person in the world is Brittanie Boado. She has become one of my best friends and I have more fun with her than anyone. And it's nice to be able to talk to someone about anything and them do the same :)
23) I hate that I used to be a size 6 and now I'm...well...not that lol. I want to lose 15 or so pounds sooo bad but working at McD's doesnt help with that too much.
24) I have to have popcorn when I go see a movie at the theater. Or something...even just candy. It's not the same without.
25) I've never seen the Exorcist but it scares me still...
26) I crave cheese pizza a right now...
27) Facebook creeping is a hobby of mine
28) I hate Cricket
29) I hate the military.....not the military in general but I don't like people i know being in it
30) My mom is making me get off the computer now...see why I need my own lap top?

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