Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Not a Screw Up

Hi, my name is Katie Glenn and I am NOT a screw up. But, I screw up a heck of a ton it feels like. I just want to be happy...for reals. Why can't being with Jeremiah and having my family around work? Like, together? It's whatever though. Nothing I can do. All I know is that I went to him hoping that we could pretend everything was ok. I knew exactly how it would happen ahead of time...and even though I knew it was stupid....I tried. For a little while, it was as if nothing changed and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Sorry, but I wouldn't. But then I wake up and realize nothing had changed. He still broke my heart, he hasn't changed, I still can't be with him, and my family would never accept him back.

Ok. Move the heck on, Katie.

Why is this so hard? I have so much going for me, and I am letting one person hold me back. I know I shouldn't want so bad to be with him but I guess when you have spent over a year with someone, it's harder than just saying so.

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